Seattle Public Schools

Career and Technical Education (CTE)

Programs and Career Pathways

CTE Career Pathways

职业和技术教育为学生提供机会,探索课程工作和计划毕业后的生活,在以下列出的途径. “路径”是学生和家庭在一个领域内的一系列学习机会,可以用来探索和为高中毕业后的生活做准备. 除了在以下途径上严格的课程, 学生有机会参与领导机会, earn dual college credit, 并获得证书和证书,让他们对高中毕业后进入他们正在探索的道路的工作有强烈的感觉.

SPS学生与CTE老师和总监Brent Jones一起获得奖学金

Outside of the typical school day, 教师和职业连接学习协调员将学生与实习联系起来, worksite tours, job shadows, career fairs, field trips, and much, much more.

了解更多正规的棋牌平台排行榜的九个途径在动态和不断发展的领域. 点击每个部分底部的按钮了解更多信息! Still have questions? You can contact us at

农业课程使学生掌握生活的基本要素:食物、水、土地和空气. 追求这一途径的学生有兴趣了解如何保护我们的环境, maintain food and water for communities, and mitigate the effects of climate change.

Cabbage and three different kinds of peppers in bins

在农业课上,学生们进行实验、种植植物,并在温室里度过时光. 这方面的职业包括环境工程, forestry, crop growers and managers. 


商业和市场营销课程为学生在一个雇佣数百万人并保持经济运行的关键部门继续接受教育和就业做好准备. 商业和市场营销课程的学生将数学、经济学和心理学概念结合起来. 这条道路上的职业包括企业家, financial advisors, creative directors, and accountants. 

Students around table, one on laptop

学生有机会获得北西雅图学院和西雅图中央学院会计双学分, Business and Financial Management, General Management, and Marketing and Entrepreneurship. 学生还可以获得西澳州食品工人卡和Adobe InDesign.

烹饪和酒店管理课程教育学生管理, marketing, 以及餐厅和接待服务机构的运营. 学生获得的知识和技能侧重于沟通, time management, and customer service that meet industry standards. 这方面的职业包括餐厅管理, catering, food photography, and pastry chef.  


教育和人类服务课程为学生在与儿童早期发展和服务相关的职业生涯中就业做好准备, Education Industry, Family and Community Services, 与家庭和人类需求相关的个人护理服务和职业. 这方面的职业包括社会工作者, psychologists, childcare provider, counselor, or educator. 


By taking classes in this pathway, students can earn First Aid/CPR certificates, 华盛顿州食品工人卡以及西雅图学院的双大学学分.

Health and Medical classes use applied math, biology, anatomy, 而化学则为学生在医疗保健行业的就业和高等教育机会做好准备. Students receive hands-on, technical instruction in the classroom, experiential education in the laboratory, clinical settings, and professional and leadership skills development. 这方面的职业包括牙科保健师, doctors, surgical technicians, and radiation therapists.  

学生可以获得包括急救/心肺复苏术认证在内的证书, 通过完成这一课程获得双大学学分.

信息技术课程教授学生计算机科学的基础知识, including the development, support, and management of software, hardware, and systems integration services. 信息技术是一条不断发展的道路,它引导人们在经济的每个部门从事职业,比如程序员, game designers, and software engineers.  

Students on a field trip to Amazon HQ.

In this pathway, 学生可以获得包括Unity认证用户和双大学学分在内的证书.

媒体艺术课程指导学生学习数字艺术和互动 媒体. 学生将艺术才能应用于实际问题,学习视觉艺术原理,为他们在任何创意设计和娱乐领域的工作做好准备. 这方面的职业包括平面设计师, publishers, audio and video technicians, broadcast announcers and photographers. 

Two monitors with graphic design software open on them

By completing classes in this pathway, 学生可以获得包括Adobe Premier认证在内的证书, Marketron Traffic Certification, Zetta Automation Certification, GSelector音乐调度认证和Adobe套件认证. 在各种课程中也有双学分的机会.

技术行业课程是关于在设计中使用技能, 规划和管理工作的职业建设和维护结构,如建筑物, homes, bridges, or machinery. 这些课程强调动手指导、解决问题的能力和创造性思维. Examples of careers in this pathway include carpenters, electricians, plumbers, woodworkers, welders, automotive technicians and theater designers. 


学生可以获得各种证书,包括OSHA 10, First Aid/CPR, Flagger and Forklift Training, ANEW Pre-Apprenticeship Certification, S/P2 Automotive, Boater Certification, Backstage Exam as well as dual college credit.


STEM courses offer opportunities for inventive, 热爱科学和数据,为各种产品和行业解决复杂问题. STEM workers are employed by diverse industries, such as healthcare, manufacturing, telecommunications, construction, and agriculture. 这类职业包括机器人、航空航天、机械和电气工程师.  
